
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

What's for breakfast?

Breakfast, I feel is my favourite meal of the day and one not to be missed! I am not that person who misses breakfast if I have any say in it. If you start the day with a healthy wholesome meal you'll have the energy to get you through the next part of your day until lunchtime, my second favourite meal haha (you guessed it, I wouldn't call myself a foodie if I didn't look forward to every meal in the day).

But seriously, if you've got a busy day ahead, on your feet all day, you need a fulfilling breaky. Having said that today I am lucky enough not to be rushed off my feet (tehe) so I opted for something light, a quinoa porridge concoction that I threw together on a whim. 

Peanut butter - MY PROTEIN
Linwoods flaxseed mix - Sainsbury's, Holland & Barratt, Wholefoods...most healthstores
Quinoa flakes - I got these in Holland & Barratt

Ground black sesame - I brought mine all the way back from Hong Kong but if you can get your hands on some whole black sesame, just lightly toast 'em then grind 'em in a pestle and mortar, simples! I like to use black sesame because it's a healthy ingredient plus I really like the flavour.

This was accompanied by green tea. I've sorta quit english breakfast tea...

1. In a pyrex jug I add about 2:1 quinoa flakes to black sesame, cover a couple cm's over with desired "milk", in this instance I used Rude Health's almond milk.

2. Proceed to cook in microwave for approx 1min30sec to 2mins. In the meantime cut up some banana chunks.

3. DING. Add a few banana chunks (this is for flavour as well as to sweeten ones porridge). Add more liquid here to suit your consistency preference.

4. Back in the microwave for 30-60sec to slightly cook the banana and let the natural sweetness infuse the porridge.

5. Sprinkle desired amount of flaxseed mix, add a blob of peanut butter, decorate with a few banana slices and VOILA, fini! 

6. Take a photo and admire your culinary skills.

7. Stir that good sh**t up and demolish!! In other it.

See eating healthy is easy peasy and I find this tickles my tastebuds. However, it doesn't quite get me through till lunch so I'll find myself a snack such as mixed seeds with almonds or a small avocado. I think this would be a great breakfast to have before a workout as for me it's easy to digest. Of course everyone's body is unique so be adventurous and experiment with your food. You'll soon find what works for you and be well on your way to a balanced healthy lifestyle.

Don't knock it till you've tried it! 


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